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Free Genshin OC Maker Online Embark on Your Adventure—Create Your Own Genshin Character with Genshin OC Maker. Bring your dream Genshin Impact character to life in seconds.
neka(捏咔)是一个捏人创作分享平台,这里有众多画手为您提供丰富的模板素材,帮您轻松自定义头像、人设、OC等,快来愉快创造吧! 原神oc证件照之我在提瓦特做npc(不) by 幽幽娜Yuuna-捏咔-捏人创作分享平台
This is Picrew, the make-and-play image maker. Create image makers with your own illustrations! Share and enjoy!
Inspired by @Ren_ciea's Genshin Impact OC Generator. Includes hair colours, eye colours, Visions, rarity, characters that share a banner and more! Affiliations and mentioned characters are strictly ones that have been shown in-game, not including the beta.
genshin Dress up games, doll makers and character creators with the genshin tag.
Genshin Impact OC Generator by Ren_ciea. A more simple OC generator, I've used it a couple of times. All you need is a name, it will generate rarity, gender, element, weapon, focus and home region of the character. Handy if you need a base idea for a new OC.
I hope you all enjoy the Genshin Impact OC (original character) generator I made! Please let me know your combinations and I’ll love to see your…