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On the right side of the page, you can see new booking details consisting of fees to be paid. Price difference & penalties refer to conditions of each sub class ticket. Recheck the amount you need to pay, as well as previous and current itinerary.
Compare Garuda Indonesia prices to find the cheapest flight deal to your favourite destination. Then book directly with Garuda Indonesia with no extra fees.
To use Online Check-in, please use your e-ticket with confirmed reservation. Passengers with connecting flights can check-in sequentially. Please arrive early for quarantine and security checks.
Temukan layanan penerbangan harian Garuda Indonesia yang menampilkan keramahan dan budaya Indonesia yang kaya.
Garuda Indonesia offers a range of services, including flight bookings, check-ins, and rewards for frequent flyers.
Compare Garuda Indonesia prices for the most popular destinations, then book directly with no extra fees.