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  1. Gardener is a free elegant gardening website template built with Bootstrap 5, HTML5 & CSS3. This template is especially designed for companies wanting to provide landscape and gardening-based services. This modern, minimalistic template has a well-though color scheme and layout.

  2. Download these beautiful free HTML gardening website templates for landscaping and gardening agencies. These are suitable for any fruit and vegetable farm websites, landscaping and gardening services, plant nurseries, organic farms, etc.

  3. Alazea is a free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 plant nursery website template. Alazea features sticky drop-down navigation, google maps, zoom-in slideshow with call-to-action buttons, portfolio , and a newsletter subscription form UI .

  4. Free gardening website template for lawn services, landscaping, plant nursery, groundskeepers, landscape architects, gardening, gardener, flowers, landscape, lumberjack, agriculture, etc.

  5. Landscaper is a free free Bootstrap HTML5 one-page gardening landscaping website template. Hero header, sticky navigation, parallax background, call to action buttons are some of the cool and trendy features of Landscaper.

  6. Gardener is a beautiful and modern free Bootstrap HTML website template. Gardener is exclusively developed for gardening-related websites (gardening services, agriculture services, florist services, plant nursery services, landscaping services, etc.).

  7. 1 to 12 of 151 Free Flowers Website Templates Available on the Free CSS site.