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17 cze 2015 · By using a simple while(true) loop, you can use a technique called a delta-time update. This technique calls the Update() functions as many times as it can, but passes the time elapsed between 2 loops to the Update() function, so that you can make your calculations accordingly.
17 sie 2013 · You should be using it to keep your loop from using too much CPU, but make sure you understand if you sleep 10 milliseconds you might sleep 5 milliseconds or you might sleep 20. Lastly: double delta = updateLength / ((double)OPTIMAL_TIME); If updateLength is less than OPTIMAL_TIME, don't call update. In other words, if delta is less than one ...
22 lip 2014 · game.update((double) dt / (double) NANOS_PER_SECOND); You could precalculate once before the loop. Also, in the code I don't see the types of dt and NANOS_PER_SECOND , but if any of them is double, then you don't need the (double) casts.
Our game loop could be something like this: while (keepOnRunning) { double now = getTime(); handleInput(); updateGameState(); render(); sleep(now + secsPerFrame – getTime()); This game loop is simple and could be used for some games but it also presents some problems.
Learn about the Game Loop design pattern, its implementation in Java, and how it ensures smooth gameplay by continuously updating game state, processing inputs, and rendering. Ideal for real-time simulations and gaming.
15 sie 2023 · Since your game state advances according to the time between buffer swaps, your animation won't update at a consistent rate. When running at 60fps with the inconsistencies averaged out over time, though, you probably won't notice the bumps.
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