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Welcome! This is a humble cyberspace dedicated to the appreciation, obsession, and love of the non-canon (but we remain equal parts creative and hopeful) Naruto ship of Sabaku no Gaara and Haruno Sakura - otherwise known as GaaSaku. You can find fan-made stories in various genre and ratings here (mostly from and photos of the pair.
- Gaara'sGoddess
What happens when a fallen daughter meets a rising son? What...
- Gaara'sGoddess
Here is where all of the wonderful submissions for GaaSaku Month can be found. The Only Rules: Submissions can be new or old, yours or someone else's (be sure to put the proper credit if they are not yours!), of any type (fanart, fanfic, essay, graphics, icons, etc).
What happens when a fallen daughter meets a rising son? What happens when they discover that fate had more in store for them than the lives they’d planned? Japan’s medieval, Edo Period is the background as Gaara and Sakura miss each other in a series of missed connections only to fall into each other hard.
Lady Chiyo sacrifices herself to revive him, and Gaara awakens to (Y/n)'s tearful relief and confession of love, promising a future together. In the bustling village of Sunagakure, where the sun painted the sandstone buildings in hues of gold, whispers danced like shadows in the dusty streets.
6 wrz 2012 · You can find fan-made stories in various genre and ratings here (mostly from and photos of the pair. Enjoy! Disclaimer: All photos and fan-made stories featured here are not mine unless otherwise stated.
"Yes Sakura?" the kazekage responded and turned around when the girl didn't continue and found himself get lost in the girls emerald-green orb that sparkled simeler to the jewel from whinc the color came. Sakura broke the silence between them, "Thank you for showing me how to love again."
"Granny Tsunade can you believe it Gaara wants to marry Sakura!' The number one loud mouth ninja shouted as Lady Tsunade did a happy dance on her desk. "Naruto I've told you not to call me that!"