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11 paź 2016 · Not sure how to fix it. double temp; char CorF; printf("Please enter a temperature, such as 31 F:"); while (scanf_s("%lf %c", &temp, &CorF, 2) == 1) if (temp <= 32 && CorF == 'F') printf("Water is ice at %lf %c.\n", temp, CorF); else if (temp >= 212 && CorF == 'F') printf("Water is steam at %lf %c.\n", temp, CorF);
25 wrz 2024 · Trapping Rainwater Problem states that given an array of n non-negative integers arr[] representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it can trap after rain.
12 paź 2022 · Here, in this page we will discuss the program for trapping rain water problem in C programing language. We will discuss different methods in this page. Method Discussed : Method 1 : Naive Approach. Method 2 : Efficient Approach. Let’s discuss the above two methods in brief. Method 1 : Iterate the entire array,
16 lis 2023 · Write a C program to read temperature in centigrade and display a suitable message according to the temperature state below: Temp 0 then Freezing weather Temp 0-10 then Very Cold weather
This section contains solved C programs on two-dimensional arrays, practice these programs to learn the concept of array of arrays or two-dimensional array (matrix) in C language. Each program has solved code, output, and explanation.
28 paź 2023 · This program demonstrates various array manipulations such as modifying elements, accessing elements, finding the size of the array, searching for a specific value, sorting the array, performing calculations on array elements, and printing the array in reverse order.
24 wrz 2017 · Why we need Array in C Programming? Consider a scenario where you need to find out the average of 100 integer numbers entered by user. In C, you have two ways to do this: 1) Define 100 variables with int data type and then perform 100 scanf () operations to store the entered values in the variables and then at last calculate the average of them.