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A witch's Book of Shadows is where spells, rituals, correspondences, and personal experiences with magick are kept. In the Book of Shadows below, you'll find over three hundred witchcraft, Wicca, magick, and love spells, all free for you to use or add to your personal Book of Shadows (BoS).
Rowan Morgana's Book of Shadows, with hundreds of magickal entries including spells, correspondences, prayers, meditations, music, chants etc. One of the most comprehensive Book of Shadows on the internet.
I sometimes work with other witches outside of my coven. We use this spell after one of us has cast a circle so our energy and power can come together to give a spell or ritual more power and a better chance of it coming to fruition sooner.
🔮 Spells of White Magic can be uplifting, empowering rituals. By activating a healthy practice of Positive Magic, we tune in to our Inner Light. Print your own Magic Spell Book with these Free PDF ritual and potion recipes.
23 lis 2024 · Witchy tips and cheat sheets are here! These pages will give you guidance as you start your path becoming a Witch. Click the images below to download a printable PDF file with each page.
Enhance your witchcraft journey with Wicca Now’s Free Resources. Discover a world of spells, rituals, and guides on witchcraft, divination, and the occult. Your path to magical knowledge begins here. Discover the power of the ‘Protective Light Visualization’ technique. Surround yourself with a radiant barrier against negativity and stress.
5 sie 2024 · These simple spells are designed to help you connect with your inner power and bring positive changes to your life. Remember, the most important ingredient in any spell is your intention. Trust in your abilities and believe in the magic you create.