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D&D 5e Statblock Generator. Based on Statblock5e and Open5e. Save Statblock Load Statblock Printable Block View Image View Markdown
- PC Options Reference
I hope to increase my family's power and influence. [+]...
- Magic Item Generator
Generate random magic items for your D&D 5e games with...
- PC Options Reference
You can host a copy of 5etools on anything that can run a basic webserver—examples include your computer, your phone, a Raspberry Pi, or a free EC2/Compute Engine instance. Download the files and images , copy them into your server's root directory , and enjoy!
A web application for creating creature statblocks that are similar in appearance to the official blocks from the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Monster Manual. Features One-column or Two-column formats.
Stat block generator for D&D 5 with real-time preview, predefined keywords to speed up entries, 1 or 2 columns display, printing in PDF format, import/export in XML format and automatic screenshot in PNG format .
DnD 5 Stat Block Generator with real-time preview, predefined keywords to speed up data entry, output in PDF, XML, PNG or Markdown format.
A Super Powerful monster editor for D&D 5e. Increase or decrease the Challenge Rating of every creature; Edit the statistics of every creature inside the website; Generate NPC stat blocks and apply races, classes and templates with one click; Share your creations with the community
With this editor you can fully customize monsters and Non-Player Characters (NPCs) for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, and make their statistics dynamic so that their Challenge Rating can be increased or decreased to match the strength of player characters. If it's your first time here you should check the Manual below.