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Want to learn the lyrics for the Cuban song Guantanamera? On this page, we provide both Spanish and English translations of Guantanamera!
Joseito Fernandez - Guantanamera (English Translation) Lyrics: I am a truthful man / From where the palms grow / I am a truthful man / From where the palms grow / Before I die, I want to /...
Below you can read the song Lyrics “Guantanamera” with text translated into English language. You can read the war song Lyrics “Guantanamera” in original Spanish version, here. In the menu at the top or at the side you can read the song lyrics: “Guantanamera” translated in other languages: French, German, Italian, Chinese and other.
Guantanamera Lyrics: Guantanamera / Guajira guantanamera / Guantanamera / Guajira guantanamera / De mi Cuba soberana / Recuerdo aquel murmurillo / Del río junto al bohío / Que era una estampa...
Julio Iglesias - Guantanamera lyrics (Spanish) + English translation: Guantanamera, / girl from Guantanamo, / Guantanamera, / girl from Guantanamo, / I
Compay Segundo - Guantanamera lyrics (Spanish) + English translation: Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera / Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera / I am a s
De donde crecen la palma. Echar mis versos del alma. Y de un carmín encendido. Que busca en el monte amparo. The words mean "I am a truthful man from the land of the palm trees. And before dying, I want to share these poems of my soul. My poems are soft green. My poems are also flaming crimson.