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28 lip 2023 · With Spanish lyrics, and a color translation in English, you can practice vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The color subtitles show you that THIS MEANS THAT. Celia Cruz’s rendition of...
29 paź 2009 · Jose Feliciano ~ GUANTANAMERA ~ Jose Marti
24 kwi 2023 · You can view and purchase the ebook "Learn Spanish with Songs" on Amazon Kindle Store by following the below link:
The SandpipersGuantanamera (Marti-Angulo-Seeger).
10 kwi 2016 · Guantanamera" (Spanish: "from Guantánamo, feminine") is perhaps the best known Cuban song and that country's most noted patriotic song, especially when using a poem by the Cuban poet, José Martí,...
這首來自古巴的拉丁情歌,無人不知無人不曉. 1966年9月進美國錢櫃週榜獲得第7名. 這是我第一次嘗試鍵入西班牙文歌詞.來自美國加州的民謠搖滾團體The Sandpipers, 能唱多國語言的歌曲. 這首Guantanamera以前在台灣也有歌星翻唱成國語流行歌曲.#oldiesbutgoodies.
Want to learn the lyrics for the Cuban song Guantanamera? On this page, we provide both Spanish and English translations of Guantanamera!