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With the MEGA Desktop App, you’ll have full control over your uploads and downloads. You can also sync or back up your computers with MEGA to prevent data loss and access the latest version of your data anywhere, anytime.
- Aplikacja MEGA Desktop
Aplikacja MEGA Desktop. Uzyskaj większą kontrolę nad swoimi...
- Aplikacja MEGA Desktop
Megatools can upload 70MiB/s and download 80 MiB/s on a cheap single core Intel based VPS. You can register mega account using the 'megatools reg' tool, with the benefit of having true control of your encryption keys, compared to using web client.
MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now.
Sync folders to MEGA and keep your files up-to-date and accessible across any device. Download our desktop app to get started.
Easily share your MEGA files and folders with friends and colleagues, even people without MEGA accounts. And when sharing, you’re still in control. You can give people read-only or full access to your folders, and can set a password or create expiring links.
Take full control of your active and completed transfers. Easy automated synchronisation between your MEGA Cloud drive and your computer. You can also stream files directly from your Cloud drive in your favourite video player.
A very fast and stable Mega downloader built using a modified version of mega-rs. It supports multiple concurrent downloads and multiple threads per download. It can resume incomplete downloads even in the event of a crash. Giga Grabber is fully cross platform, but does require at least OpenGL to render it's GUI.