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Child Care Workers can now complete their Criminal Background Check application online! The North Carolina Child Care Law (General Statute 110-90.2) requires a criminal background check (CBC) be conducted and a determination of fitness be made on all persons who work or provide child care in a licensed or regulated child care facility.
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The DHHS Criminal Background Check Unit provides background...
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The DHHS Criminal Background Check Unit provides background checks for child care, foster parents, adoptive parents, and DHHS Personnel applicants. The Criminal Background Check Unit provides valuable services to providers, other units within DHHS and the public.
19 lis 2024 · Persons who need to obtain fingerprint-based criminal histories from Idaho must contact Idaho State Police. 201 E. Washington Ave., Second Floor. 2300 Capitol Ave., Third Floor. This resource simplifies finding criminal background check contact information for other states.
A criminal history and background check is a fingerprint-based check of an individual’s criminal record and other relevant records. All persons who are required to have a Department criminal history and background check must complete an application on this website and be fingerprinted.
home, or child care center in a residence and shall be counted in staff/child ratio. Provisional child care providers shall be supervised at all times by an individual who received a qualifying result on a criminal back.
Use your NCID username and password to sign into your account and select “Decision Letter” under “My Reports”. The decision letter will let you know if you are qualified to provide child care in NC based on your background check results. Download and save your results as a PDF on your computer.
This web page will introduce you to the NC DHHS Automated Background Check Management System (ABCMS) which has been developed for use by DHSR licensed providers who are required to conduct criminal background checks.