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Manuals, technical specifications, downloads, and more for Apple software and hardware.
Manuals, technical specifications, downloads, and more for Apple software and hardware.
Możesz pobrać najnowszą wersję systemu watchOS bezpośrednio na zegarek Apple Watch lub użyć iPhone’a do uaktualnienia. Sprawdzanie zgodności zegarka Apple Watch. Najpierw upewnij się, że na zegarku Apple Watch zainstalowane jest najnowsze oprogramowanie. System watchOS 10 jest zgodny z następującymi modelami zegarków Apple Watch:
Manuals, technical specifications, downloads, and more for Apple software and hardware
Add music to Apple Watch. When you add music to your Apple Watch, you can listen to it wherever you go, even when you don’t have your iPhone with you. You can add specific playlists and albums to your Apple Watch using the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.
Manuals, technical specifications, downloads, and more for Apple software and hardware.
You can use the Apple Devices app on your Windows device to manage your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and sync music, movies, and TV shows to them. You can also use the app to back up, update, or restore an Apple device. See Intro to syncing your Windows device and Apple devices.