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Hero Forge® is a groundbreaking, free-to-use in-browser character & custom miniature creator that empowers creators to design and order their own custom miniatures and personalized characters.
- Hero Forge Custom Miniatures
Hero Forge® is a groundbreaking, free-to-use in-browser...
- Release Calendar
New parts and features are added to Hero Forge® every...
- Subscriptions
When your Hero Forge ® Pro+ Download plan automatically...
- Account
Hero Forge® is a groundbreaking, free-to-use in-browser...
- About Hero Forge
Originally funded by Kickstarter, Hero Forge® is a platform...
- About Our Products
Physical Minis Starting at $12.99 - Digital at $7.99. Hero...
- Support & FAQs
STL Download STL Download files can be loaded into your 3D...
- Shipping and Returns
Costs. We offer shipping to most countries around the world...
- Hero Forge Custom Miniatures
Hero Forge® is a free-to-use online character design application. Create and share your unique designs using our in-depth character creator tools. Order customized tabletop miniatures that truly represent your characters. Unleash your creativity and start designing today!
Get your miniature professionally 3D printed and delivered to your doorstep. Download your 3D miniature file and print it from anywhere using almost any 3D printer. To create your custom miniature, you need to select your character’s ancestry.
Order your custom miniature shipped to your door - or to your downloads folder as an STL file. Kitbash heroes and monsters with total creative freedom. Attach any part anywhere. Create your own poses. Unlock unlimited downloads for 3D printing!
Create your custom player or monster minis or choose from all the official 5e creatures and npcs. There are tons of settings like different colors, bases, grid sizes, hidden nameplates, etc. The minis can be reinforced with a hidden coin to make them feel heavier and wind-resistant.
Monsterforge: a entirely free (and opensource) tool to create your own paper miniatures with any pictures you find! Create a bestiary, print it, glue it and you're ready!
Aimed at D&D, but can be used for any tabletop that needs props! TL;DR: Head over to and generate official or custom miniatures. Create your own and/or load a database with official minis (e.g. there is one for 5e with all 930 creatures).