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  1. Although the essential and most important element, the shield is but one part of a coat arms. A full Achievement of Arms can (but not always will) consist of supporters, mantling, a compartment, a motto, a helmet, a wreath, a crest, a badge, a banner, a flag – and more.

  2. The Heraldry Society exists to increase and extend interest in and knowledge of heraldry, armory, chivalry, genealogy and allied subjects. We are an educational charity, founded in 1947 by John P. Brooke-Little, CVO, KStJ, FSA, FHS when he was Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms.

  3. Series 1 and 2 (1950-2004) have been digitised under our Heraldry Archive programme on Data-DVDs, which may be purchased at low cost from the Society Shop. A selection of articles from this period will be found through the Articles link. The contents and downloadable pdfs of Series 3 and Series 4 are also here.

  4. Use our free random coat of arms generator. Be a heraldry designer and family crest maker. Create and draw heraldic shields, coats of arms, sigils, and banners.

  5. Coat of arms of The Heraldry Society. The black unicorns are a reference to the arms of the founder, John Brooke-Little, who became Clarenceux King of Arms. The Heraldry Society is a British organization that is devoted to studying and promoting heraldry and related subjects.

  6. An online heraldry designer toolkit for building your own custom coat of arms.

  7. Looking For Your Family History or Coat of Arms? DrawShield is just for creating and sharing heraldry, if you want to find your family coat of arms or family I suggest contacting a professional genealogist. If you are in North America I can highly recommend (Disclosure: the author has provided consultancy to

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