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  1. Grace Host Christian Business Directory & Resource Guide offers free listings to Christian business owners, churches & organizations to help get your found by other believers! Search the most complete christian directory member directory. Find christian directory members.

  2. Christian business directory. Search, discover and connect with Christian professionals in the marketplace who share your faith, share your values, and have the skills you need. A faith driven entreprenuers dierctory for supporting the church community.

  3. These Christian professionals are accessible 24/7, ensuring immediate availability during holidays, nights, and weekends. Find A Christian Plumber. Help more Local Christians find your business. Boost your brand and grow your business. Attract new customers, today.

  4. World’s Largest Christian Business Directory! Christians in Business exists to provide a resource where Christian consumers and Christian owned and operated businesses can serve their community as well as find each other within their own city, state, country and the world.

  5. Connect with Christian businesses 24/7/365 wherever you are! Geo-located search results for your product & service needs; Notifications and Alerts - new & featured businesses; Mobile Deals for Your Family

  6. Search for Christian businesses in your local area with our business directory and phone book. Print copies are available at Christian businesses and churches in your area.

  7. Are you a Christian business owner? Get your business listed in our Christian Business Directory for free.