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Simply paste your text or upload your PDF, DOCX, or TXT file, and let Piktochart AI instantly handle the design for you. Piktochart AI gives you full control—summarize or keep your original content, and generate multi-page documents that match your content’s depth.
Share and Download your design in a variety of formats; flipbook, PDF, JPG and PPTX. A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands. Whether you need a presentation, document, newsletter or social media graphic, Visme’s free AI Design Generator has what you need.
Piktochart AI supports PDF, DOCX, and TXT format, making it versatile for your every need. Unlock the power of effortless design with Piktochart AI image generator. Insert your text prompt and transform your words and ideas into stunning, high-quality AI-generated images in seconds.
Venngage's AI-powered infographic generator expertly transforms both business insights and educational content into compelling visuals, offering unmatched clarity and impact. This tool allows users to convert complex information into easily digestible and engaging infographics that stand out.
Use AI to apply best outlining practices to your writing, identifying key points in your doc and making them stand out. We're taking your words and repackaging them into tried and tested templates.
You can easily alter the color theme of your document, modify text and fonts, insert images, videos, and graphics from Visme's library of royalty-free assets. You can also create new visuals using AI image generator and AI image touch-up tools, or upload your own.
Piktochart AI’s free infographic maker crafts custom infographics from any topic in seconds. Vivid visuals and swift creation— try it now for free.