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  1. Outboard Marine Corporation is a leading manufacturer and marketer of internationally known boat brands, including Chris-Craft(R), Four Winns(R), Seaswirl(R), Javelin(R), Stratos(R), Lowe(R), Hydra-Sports(R) and Princecraft; marine accessories and marine engines, under the brand names of Johnson(R) and Evinrude(R); and Ficht Ram Injection(R ...

  2. Banka e Shqipërisë është banka qendrore e Republikës së Shqipërisë. Ky status sanksionohet në nenin 161 të Kushtetutës dhe me ligjin nr. 8269, datë 27.12.1997 "Për Bankën e Shqipërisë", i cili përcakton objektivat, detyrat, marrëdhëniet me sistemin bankar dhe me shtetin, organizimin dhe drejtimin, pronësinë mbi kapitalin ...

  3. Four Winns. At Four Winns® we are committed to rich and instinctive boating experiences. Form, function, and style integrated into a vessel that will transport your perspective.

  4. Four Winns® Boats - Manufacturing quality runabouts, bowriders, cruiser yachts and tow sport boats since 1962. Join the Four Winns® family today.

  5. Catalogs and product information for current and past Four Winns boat models. Find the specifications and accessories that were available for your boat.

  6. 13 cze 2020 · The Four Winns cafeteria came about after John Winn watched an episode of 60 Minutes that featured a successful, innovative company that ran its own cafeteria. Winn called the president of that company and asked him how it worked.

  7. Bankowość elektroniczna (ang. e-banking) – forma usług oferowanych przez banki, polegająca na umożliwieniu dostępu do rachunku za pomocą urządzenia elektronicznego: komputera, bankomatu, terminalu POS, telefonu (zwłaszcza telefonu komórkowego) i linii telekomunikacyjnych, w tym Internetu.

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