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The Force-A-Nature, also known as the FaN, is an unlockable primary weapon for the Scout. It is a large double-barreled hunting shotgun with sawn-off barrels and a wooden stock and foregrip. Compared to the Scattergun, the Force-A-Nature's ammo capacity is significantly smaller, only
Force-A-Nature), znana również jako FaN, jest możliwą do odblokowania bronią podstawową dla Skauta, będącą dużą, dwulufową strzelbą myśliwską ze spiłowanymi lufami i drewnianym łożyskiem. Jej nazwa stanowi odniesienie do określenia, którym Skaut sam siebie nazywa w Poznajcie Skauta.
26 sie 2013 · The Force-a-Nature, commonly abbreviated as "FaN" (notice the capitalization), is a primary weapon that the Scout can use. Compared to the Scout's Scattergun, the Force-a-Nature does:-10% less damage for each shot; Shoot only 2 shots in a single clip; Release 20% more pellets per shot; Fire 50% faster; Knockback to a player hit by this weapon.
The Force-A-Nature, also known as the FaN to many, is an unlockable primary weapon for the Scout, replacing the Scattergun. It's a double-barreled hunting shotgun with two extremely short barrels, which were cut down to increase pellet spread.
Yes, and no. Its a combo of a lot of things. the FaN just takes the core of scout's hit and run nature and cranks it up by 10. Instead of being a general nuisance, you can kill people very quickly and escape just as fast. However, in return, you trade your consistent scattergun damage, which will carry you for a majority of 1v1s.
A long barrel sacrifices velocity for accuracy. The longer it's in the barrel, the more drag the bullet has (or in a shotgun's case, pellets) . I have been taught a lie.
FaN has good burst, but you really need to get those meatshots for it to melt enemies. You can blow up Soldiers under ideal conditions if you get both shots off before he flies too far away. Hesitation is death even more so than usual with the FaN.