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  1. › wiki › DiabetiDiabeti - Wikipedia

    Diabetes mellitus (DM), ndryshe njihet si diabeti, është një sëmundje kronike e shkaktuar nga nivelet e larta të glukozës në gjak gjatë një periudhe të gjatë kohore. Glukoza është një ndër burimet kryesore të energjisë në trupin tonë, e cila merret nga ushqimi që e konsumojmë.

  2. Ketone-prone diabetes or Flatbush diabetes is being increasingly recognized worldwide. It is typically seen in obese middle-aged men with a family history of Type 2 DM. Atypicality in the onset of age and gender variation is increasingly observed worldwide.

  3. Diabeti tip II. Prek zakonisht moshat e rritura, të sëmurët shpesh kanë histori familiare me këtë sëmundje. Njihet edhe si diabet që nuk varet nga insulina (angl: non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus). Shkaktohet nga:

  4. 2 paź 2018 · Purpose of Review. Ketosis-prone diabetes or Flatbush diabetes has been widely recognized as a clinical entity since 1984. Most of the early clinical studies focused on African American or Afro-Caribbean individuals.

  5. In 2002, Sobngwi et al. introduced the term “ketosis-prone diabetes” in a review of diabetes in West Africans. Ketosis-prone diabetes, also known as “Flatbush Diabetes”, has pathophysiology close to that of T2DM but initially exhibits signs and symptoms of T1DM .

  6. 8 sty 2013 · Ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes mellitus also known as atypical or flatbush diabetes is being increasingly recognised worldwide. These patients are typically obese, middle-aged men with a strong family history of type 2 diabetes.

  7. 22 sie 2023 · Ketosis-prone diabetes (KPD) comprises a group of diabetes syndromes characterized by severe beta cell dysfunction (manifested by presentation with DKA or unprovoked ketosis) and a variable clinical course.

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