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Select Course: Computer Engineering; Scroll down to Curricula and show the activities of the curricula you are interested in; you can read extensive information about each subject, the exam and the professor in charge.
Students can build a strong background with advanced competences in Information Technology and Automation through the Master’s Degree Course in Computer Engineering and they can focus their studying on the economical and management issues typical of firms and markets.
More information about our Msc in Computer Engineering on the dedicated website. For course regulations of previous academic years click on this link. Please note that before a.y. 2016/2017 course regulations were only written in italian.
The program provides high-level education to graduate students with a bachelor in computer technology or scientific disciplines. The syllabus focuses on applied mathematics, economics, management, and curriculum-specific subjects.
The master's program provides high level education to graduate students with a bachelor in computer technology or scientific disciplines. The syllabus focuses on applied mathematics, economics, management and curriculum-specific subjects.
The degree program offers, mostly during the first two years, fundamentals in computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics and cognitive sciences. It is specifically focusing on those that allow to understand the theoretical bases and techniques of artificial intelligence.
The Computer Science and Multimedia curriculum includes Multiprocessor Architectures, Computer Networks, Performance Evaluation, Multimedia Systems and Technologies, Computer Vision and Human Computer Interaction.