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14 wrz 2013 · using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path)) {} // Ensure that the target does not exist. File.Delete(path2); // Copy the file. File.Copy(path, path2); Console.WriteLine("{0} copied to {1}", path, path2); // Try to copy the same file again, which should succeed.
It first uses the File.Copy (String, String) method overload to copy text (.txt) files. The code demonstrates that this overload does not allow overwriting files that were already copied. It then uses the File.Copy (String, String, Boolean) method overload to copy pictures (.jpg files).
I'm reaching a File.Copy(source, target, true) statement, and an exception is thrown : UnauthorizedAccessException - Access to the path ' <source file name here> ' is denied. This would be perfectly normal, and I'd address it by sorting the permissions - except here comes the odd behaviour:
File.Copy(TemplateFile.FullPath(), OutputFile.FullPath()); Correctly copies the file to the correct location. However the file is then locked and we are unable to do anything with the file. Closing the application does not eliminate the lock, only a reboot of the computer seems to resolve the lock.
26 kwi 2023 · We demonstrate 3 common uses of File.Copy. We warn of potential errors. Exception handling often should be used when File.Copy is invoked. Example. Here we want to copy one file to a new location, one where no file exists. Both files in the example, file-a.txt and file-new.txt, have the same contents.
15 cze 2024 · File.Copy(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath); copies the file from the source path to the destination path. File.Copy(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath, true); overwrites the destination file if it already exists. You can also use the FileInfo to copy your file. The CopyTo method copies an existing file to a new location.
21 cze 2015 · I want to copy my application to D:\\Games using this code: string path = "D:\\Games"; System.IO.File.Copy(path, Application.ExecutablePath, true); but it gives me this error . Access to the path 'D:\Games' is denied. it seams that it haven't access to this path. How can I fix this ?