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While I don't expect every BLU to have the same, the least should be around 8% TA and 23% DA. That seriously cuts in to the effectiveness of the weapon's OA2-4, the high delay causing more issues by actually significantly slowing your attack rounds as compared to a Shikargar.
27 sty 2024 · Depends how much HP the mob you're fighting has and if you're in the middle of a SC, there really isn't a 1-size-fits-all answer here. For Savage & Expiaction you get more damage the more TP you have, so the WSD will go up (until you hit 3k effective TP), but if the mob is going to die from your next WS regardless of TP, it's a moot point.
Ffxiah has a blu guide “the beast within” that lists spellsets that are useful endgame. Unless your a completionist , and you can only slot a max of 20 spells.
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Elliott flexible shafts can solve your power transmission They are ideally suited for transmitting power over, under, around, and even through obstacles that would hinder other systems. They can overcome problems of misalignment, and absorb and isolate vibration, significantly simplifying your transmission application.
Ideal for low speed jobs: stone setting, wax modeling, drilling and chisel carving. piece designed for power stone setting, engraving and texturing. 85% of Foredom Flexible Shaft Machines use a 39′′ long Key Tip Shaft. Foredom offers 17 handpiec-es to fit these shafts.
9 lip 2013 · Flexible shafts are mechanical power-transmission devices used to transmit rotary motion through bends and curves. They can be routed over, under, and around obstacles which would be otherwise...