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  1. 23 sty 2024 · Check the status of your Letter of Map Change (LOMC) application, learn more about map change activities by state, and how to stay informed of other information regarding flood map changes.

  2. Check the status of an application, communicate and complete required actions with FEMA point of contacts, and register and renew eLOMA license information all within the tool. Tracking Features. Track all submitted applications and view saved eLOMA data for a period of 3 years. No Cost.

  3. 9 maj 2023 · Letter Of Map Amendment (LOMA) The requester is responsible for providing all of the information needed for FEMA's review of the request, including elevation information certified by a Licensed Land Surveyor or Registered Professional Engineer.

  4. FEMA designed the eLOMA tool to allow licensed professionals (surveyors and engineers) to submit simple LOMA applications on behalf of property owners. The Online LOMC tool is available to any applicant that would like to submit a LOMA, CLOMA, LOMR-F, LOMR, CLOMR or CLOMR-F request directly to FEMA.

  5. LOMAs and LOMR-Fs can officially amend an effective FIRM. They can establish that a property is not in an SFHA. By doing so, they remove the federal flood insurance requirement. Obtaining a LOMA or LOMR-F The LOMA application form is on the FEMA website at

  6. 12 gru 2012 · What is the Online LOMC? The Online LOMC is an internet-based tool that allows applicants to easily request a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). A LOMA is a letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land - that is on naturally high ground and has not been elevated by fill - would not be inundated by the base flood.

  7. 17 gru 2012 · Applicants can now use this new website to request a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) instead of using the MT-EZ paper form. A LOMA is a letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land will not be inundated by the base flood.

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