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  1. › general-rules › fear-rpFear RP | SADRP Rules

    Fear RP All characters must operate with some level of fear for their lives . While your characters may not truly die, they must act as if their character is subject to fear due to the possibility of being injured or losing their life.

  2. Vecina vas zna RP Pravila, ali evo za novajlije. Mozete nauciti RP Pravila, uz njih i primere. Krenimo!

  3. You must follow fear RP when fear RP applies. This means that your character must fear for their life if they are in immediate danger. This includes: If you are being held up at gunpoint you cannot punch your way out of it like you’re Jason Bourne.

  4. 7 lis 2020 · Fear Roleplay (FearRP) Fear Roleplay: čin je roleplay-anja straha za život vašeg lika ili život drugog pojedinca u situaciji kada je vaš karakter u izravnoj opasnosti i nema BILO KOJI NAČIN da se realno zaštiti.

  5. CL - Combat Logout: Zapuščanje serverja med roleplay scenarijem. Komanda /me: Komando se uporablja, ko stvari ni možno pokazati z animacijo. Fear RP: Ne vrednotenje svojega življenja. CB - Cop Bait: Pridobivanje pozornosti policije. PG - Power Gaming: Delanje stvari, k i v resničnem življenju niso mogoč e. PRAVILA MAFIJ

  6. Fear Roleplay (FRP) & Value of Life » Fear roleplay is the concept of not role playing fear for your character's life in situations where you are under the threat of bodily and grievous harm. Not displaying a reasonable amount of value for your character's life is considered a breach of this rule.

  7. Prosimo, da se pravil držite dosledno, saj s tem sebi in ostalim igralcem zagotavljate kar se da najboljšo izkušnjo v igranju. 01. Uporaba out of character informacij v in character namene. 02. Izvajanje dejanj ki jih v pravem življenju ni mogoče. 03. Ubijanje ljudi brez tehtnega razloga. 04. Ubijanje ljudi brez tehtnega razloga s pomočjo vozila.

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