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Fear RP All characters must operate with some level of fear for their lives . While your characters may not truly die, they must act as if their character is subject to fear due to the possibility of being injured or losing their life.
- Priority Calls & Priority Cooldown
Priority Cooldown will be activated once the suspects are...
- Combat Logging
Combat Logging - Fear RP | SADRP Rules
- Cop Baiting
Cop Baiting - Fear RP | SADRP Rules
- Banned Behaviors & Scenarios
This rule is specifically intended to allow people involved...
- Modding, Glitching, and Exploiting
Modding, Glitching, and Exploiting - Fear RP | SADRP Rules
- Audio
Audio usage within server. Audio is allowed to be played...
- Gangs / Mafias / Businesses
A gang is defined as a group of individuals whos members...
- Weapons
You have to RP taking out certain weapons by using a /me or...
- Priority Calls & Priority Cooldown
Vecina vas zna RP Pravila, ali evo za novajlije. Mozete nauciti RP Pravila, uz njih i primere. Krenimo!
You must follow fear RP when fear RP applies. This means that your character must fear for their life if they are in immediate danger. This includes: If you are being held up at gunpoint you cannot punch your way out of it like you’re Jason Bourne.
7 lis 2020 · Fear Roleplay (FearRP) Fear Roleplay: čin je roleplay-anja straha za život vašeg lika ili život drugog pojedinca u situaciji kada je vaš karakter u izravnoj opasnosti i nema BILO KOJI NAČIN da se realno zaštiti.
CL - Combat Logout: Zapuščanje serverja med roleplay scenarijem. Komanda /me: Komando se uporablja, ko stvari ni možno pokazati z animacijo. Fear RP: Ne vrednotenje svojega življenja. CB - Cop Bait: Pridobivanje pozornosti policije. PG - Power Gaming: Delanje stvari, k i v resničnem življenju niso mogoč e. PRAVILA MAFIJ
Fear Roleplay (FRP) & Value of Life » Fear roleplay is the concept of not role playing fear for your character's life in situations where you are under the threat of bodily and grievous harm. Not displaying a reasonable amount of value for your character's life is considered a breach of this rule.
Prosimo, da se pravil držite dosledno, saj s tem sebi in ostalim igralcem zagotavljate kar se da najboljšo izkušnjo v igranju. 01. Uporaba out of character informacij v in character namene. 02. Izvajanje dejanj ki jih v pravem življenju ni mogoče. 03. Ubijanje ljudi brez tehtnega razloga. 04. Ubijanje ljudi brez tehtnega razloga s pomočjo vozila.