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  1. The fauna of Europe is all the animals living in Europe and its surrounding seas and islands. Europe is the western part of the Palearctic realm (which in turn is part of the Holarctic).

  2. › dataset › 90d9e8a6-0ce1-472d-b682-3451095dbc5aFauna Europaea - GBIF

    7 mar 2011 · The Fauna Europaea geographical system follows basically the ISO 3166 and TDWG 2.0 country code with minor modifications. The covered area is the same as European mainland (Western Palearctic), plus the Macaronesian islands (excluding Cape Verde Islands), Cyprus, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, the Western Kazakhstan excluded.

  3. Information on the environment for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public.

  4. 14 sty 2022 · Zwierzęta Europy to nie tylko dziki, sarny, jelenie, lisy czy wiewiórki. Na Starym Kontynencie żyje wiele fascynujących gatunków, których z całą pewnością nie można określić mianem nudnych czy pospolitych. O jakich gatunkach mowa? Jakie zwierzęta żyją w Europie? Poniżej opisujemy najbardziej interesujących przedstawicieli europejskiej fauny. fot.

  5. 17 wrz 2014 · Fauna Europaea is Europe's main zoological taxonomic index, making the scientific names and distributions of all living, currently known, multicellular, European land and freshwater animals...

  6. › europes-biodiversity › speciesSpecies - Europa

    Europe has a rich diversity of wild plant and animal species many of which are unique to this continent and exist nowhere else in the world. On this page we provide a general overview about species conservation in Europe.

  7. 22 kwi 2019 · Welcome to EUNIS, the European Nature Information System. Find species, habitat types and protected sites across Europe. Species. Information about species in Europe, particularly species mentioned in legal texts. Search tools. Habitat types. Information about the EUNIS habitat classification and the EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat types.

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