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15 lip 2004 · Is the opinion of Al-Qaradawi, in which he allows listening to music, considered an outlying “Shaaz” opinion amongst the early Muslims “salaf”? With the exception of Ibn Hazm, can you mention any of the early scholars who allowed this? Is it permissible for a Muslim to act on this opinion?
1 lut 2010 · Author: Yusuf Qaradawi. The whole issue of singing is controversial, whether it is with musical accompaniment or not. Some issues succeeded to gain the Muslim scholars’ agreement, while others failed. All scholars have unanimous view on the prohibition of all forms of singing and music that incites debauchery, indecency, or sin.
If the first meaning is intended, such people would be thus disbelievers. In fact, the hadith in hand dispraises the manners of a group of people who indulge themselves in luxuries, drinking alcohol and listening to music.
Here is the clarification for the reason why music is permissible or rejected, in the light of fatwa issued by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi: “The whole issue of singing is controversial, whether it is with musical accompaniment or not. Some issues succeeded to gain the Muslim scholars’ agreement, while others failed.
Individual fatawa (legal rulings) have permitted some forms of music within certain restrictions. While there are some differing views and conditions, most scholars opine that beating the duff is permissible, especially on special occasions, and Allah knows best.
Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states that: The whole issue of singing is controversial, whether it is with musical accompaniment or not. Some issues succeeded to gain the Muslim scholars’ agreement, while others failed. All scholars have unanimous view on the prohibition of all forms of singing and music that incites debauchery, indecency, or sin.
Notwithstanding that the Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi is active in good works, we do not concur with Sheikh on the use of musical instruments, and his justification thereof. It is sufficient proof for Muslims that since the time of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam, the Sahaba (Radhi-Allahu-Anhum), Tabi’een, and Scholars of Haqq (Rahmatullahi ...