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How long is the drive from Fargo, ND to Minneapolis, MN? The total driving time is 3 hours, 35 minutes. Your trip begins in Fargo, North Dakota. It ends in Minneapolis, Minnesota. If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Fargo, ND to Minneapolis, MN. You can also calculate the cost to ...
The total driving distance from Fargo, ND to Minneapolis, MN is 236 miles or 380 kilometers. Your trip begins in Fargo, North Dakota. It ends in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Try searching for places within 3.5 hours of Fargo. You can also compare the travel time if you're flying or driving by calculating the distance from Fargo to Minneapolis. Or get a full Fargo to Minneapolis flight plan. Don't forget about exploring your own hometown with a staycation.
Get a quick answer: It's 236 miles or 380 km from Fargo to Minneapolis, which takes about 3 hours, 35 minutes to drive. Check a real road trip to save time.
The best way to get from Fargo to Minneapolis is to fly which takes 1h 43m and costs $40 - $370. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $40 - $110 and takes 4h 20m, you could also train, which costs $30 - $120 and takes 5h 53m. Launch map view. Distance: 235.9 mi.
The best way to get from Minneapolis to Fargo is to fly which takes 2h 30m and costs $160 - $700. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $40 - $110 and takes 4h 15m, you could also train, which costs $30 - $130 and takes 6h 23m.