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Here is an on the field Catch and Cook video I recently made. It highlights the mighty and underappreciated Creek Chub. I had heard that they are edible and there are fishermen out there who...
10 lip 2024 · Fallfish are generally considered more palatable, with a firmer and meatier texture similar to salmon. They have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor that pairs well with herbs and spices. On the other hand, Creek chub has a milder and more delicate flavor that strong seasonings can overpower.
Today I explain that this fish is a fallfish! I didnt even know that we had those in Maine. Anyways thanks for watching and soon the giveaway video will be u...
READ the description for MORE DETAILS (including gear used)!Like my creations?! Times are tough, folks: -- help me FUND my FISHING ADVENTURES via Patreon: ht...
Fishing for big Agressive FISH turning it into a Fresh Home made cooked meal CATCH CLEAN COOK style!! #fishing #girlscooking #catchcleancook Sash- https://li...
The two native fish that are similar to the one in your video are bull chub (Nocomis raneyi) and bluehead chub (N. leptocephalus; a hat-tip to lilboomermeme). So, likely a Nocomis rather than a fallfish, but I'll look a little closer.
Creek Chub Fishing! Growing up this was what got me into fishing. It all started with fishing for creek chubs. These fish are so fun to fish. Fishing for chu...