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Here are some ways to check if an email is really from Facebook. If an email or Facebook message looks strange, don't open it or any attachments. Instead, report it to or through the report links that appear throughout Facebook.
If you see something on Facebook that you think is a scam, please report it to us. Your experience on Facebook should be safe and secure. We remove content that purposefully deceives, willfully misrepresents, or otherwise defrauds or exploits people for money or property.
21 mar 2023 · Scams on Facebook are nothing new, and a common type that keeps resurfacing claims to let users see who visited their profiles. Falling for these scams could lead to your Facebook account being hijacked and personal information being stolen.
If your Facebook account has been the target of a phishing attack, you should take steps to protect it as soon as possible. First, report your account as compromised. You can report your account as compromised whether or not you can log into your account.
Jeśli napotkasz profil lub stronę, które podszywają się pod Ciebie, kogoś, kogo znasz, lub osobę publiczną (np. celebrytę czy polityka), poinformuj nas o tym. Możesz zgłosić nam potencjalnie podszywające się profile lub strony, niezależnie od tego, czy masz konto na Facebooku, czy nie.
Jeśli Twoje konto na Facebooku stało się celem ataku phishingowego, należy jak najszybciej podjąć kroki w celu jego ochrony. Najpierw zgłoś, że zabezpieczenia Twojego konta zostały złamane. Naruszenie zabezpieczeń konta można zgłosić niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś w stanie się do niego zalogować.
If your Facebook account has been the target of a phishing attack, you should take steps to protect it as soon as possible. First, report your account as compromised. You can report your account as compromised whether or not you can log in to your account.