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A Page's rating is based on the reviews and recommendations people share about the business Page on Facebook. Only Pages that turn on recommendations may show a rating, and a Page may not have a rating if it hasn't received at least 5 reviews.
A Facebook Page's rating is based on multiple sources. Learn more.
Find out how business ratings are calculated and where you can find business ratings and reviews in Meta Business Manager or Meta Business Suite.
Facebook Business Page Reviews and Ratings aggregate user feedback and recommendations to generate a page’s rating. The visibility and inclusion of the recommendations depend on user settings, with public recommendations contributing to a page’s overall rating.
A Page's rating is based on the reviews and recommendations people share about the business Page on Facebook. Only Pages that turn on recommendationsmay show a rating, and a Page may not have a rating if it hasn't received at least 5 reviews. Keep in mind that when someone recommends a business, they can select an audience to share it with.
20 lut 2024 · Nothing says customer-centric than a business that takes the time to respond to reviews! But how do you get the best Facebook page reviews, and what constitutes a good review? Before we give you some ways to get better Facebook reviews, let’s take a look at some real-world success stories.
Learn about how a Page's review count and recommendation score are determined.