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METAR KABC 121755Z AUTO 21016G24KT 180V240 1SM R11/P6000FT - RA BR BKN015 OVC025 06/04 A2990 RMK AO2 PK WND 20032/25 WSHFT 1715 VIS 3/4V1 1/2 VIS 3/4 RWY11 RAB07 CIG 013V017 CIG 017 RWY11 PRESFR SLP125 P0003 600 09 T00640036 10066 21012 58033 TSNO $ TYPE OF REPORT METAR: hourly (scheduled) report; SPECI: special (unscheduled) report. METAR
The Aircrew Quick Reference Guide to the METAR and TAF Codes helps aircrews quickly and clearly translate METAR and TAF codes into plain language. See Attachment 1 for a list of source documents. METAR reports are observed weather conditions while the TAF indicates forecast conditions. Both are lines of text made up of coded data groups
Section 1. Decode . EXPLANATION OF CODES. GEN - Indicates general aeronautical usage. NWS - Indicates National Weather Service and aeronautical weather usage. ATC - Indicates Air Traffic Control usage. ICAO - Indicates International Civil Aviation Organization usage. International messages should use these. METAR/TAF - Indicates ICAO weather ...
METAR KPIT 091955Z COR 22015G25KT 3/4SM R28L/2600FT TSRA OVC010CB 18/16 A2992 RMK SLP045 T01820159 FORECAST EXPLANATION REPORT TAF Message type : TAF-routine or TAF AMD-amended forecast, METAR-hourly, SPECI-special or TESTM-non-commissioned ASOS report METAR KPIT ICAO location indicator KPIT
A METAR is a coded weather bulletin of the observed weather at a specific location or Aerodrome and which is done at regular, routine times. SPECI - Special Aeronautical Report. This is coded exactly as a METAR, BUT is sent immediately whenever specific criteria has been observed. TAF - Terminal Aerodrome Forecast.
A METAR is made up of multiple groups of coded text, each with a specific standard coding format. These groups of coded text are located in two sections of a report: Body and
Each FM starts on a new line, indented 5 spaces. Table of Significant Present, Forecast and Recent Weather - Grouped in categories and used in the order listed below; or as needed in TAF, No Significant Weather. “VC” = Vicinity, but not at aerodrome. In the US METAR, 5 to 10 SM from the point of observation.