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The F value at a specified sterilization temperature is automatically computed and recorded as production data. Using external input contact, recording can be started or stopped automatically. Automatic data file transfer and WEB monitoring are available.
In the sterilization process during pharmaceutical and food manufacturing, the "Fo" value is used as a benchmark for the sterilization time. The Fo value expresses the heating time required for disinfection, and varies according to fluctuations in heat applied to the substance being sterilized.
F0 is a means for quantifying steam sterilization effectiveness by determining the equivalent sterilization time in minutes relative to a base temperature of 121 °C and a z-value of 10 °C ...
By using the computation function of the SMARTDAC+ series Paperless recorder GX/GP (relational computation, four arithmetical operations, and exponential computation), the F value can be calculated and recorded. The F value at a specified sterilization temperature is automatically computed and recorded as production data.
The purpose of this Fedegari Technical Note, firstly distributed in 1988 and perseveringly revised, is to clarify the nature of F0 and its related parameters (D, z, PNSU/SAL), and to explain their use and limits for the setting, adjustment, control and validation of moist-heat sterilization processes. 1.
The F-value for steam sterilization (F0) is a measurement tool used to demonstrate accumulated lethality and must be used in both validation and routine monitoring of cycles to demonstrate that acceptance criteria for F0 has been met.
An example calculation shows that the required F value for a food, to be sold in a moderate climate country, usually differs considerably from the F, required for the same food, to be sold in tropical areas. 1. STERILIZATION VALUES: F0 = F 10 °c 121.1 °C STERILIZATION VALUES (F0 = F10 121.1) FOR COMMERCIAL FOOD PROCESSES Product Can name;