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Subscription Choices 1 yr Subscription (6 issues) $19.95 2 yr Subscription (12 issues) $35.95 1 yr Subscription plus current issue $21.95 ... The contents of the Iowa History Journal website along with the design and contents of the magazine, Iowa History Journal, are sole property of Iowa Publishing Corp. and cannot be duplicated or recreated ...
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Mike and Bev created Iowa History Journal in 2009 with the goal of keeping alive the memories of Iowa’s heritage in a manner that is both educational and entertaining. The first issue featured Nile Kinnick on the cover, and was the first of a three part series on the legendary Hawkeye football player and icon who lost his life in World War II.
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History magazine subscriptions assure detailed insights, backed by meticulous research and expert-led content. They narrate captivating stories, enriched with vivid visuals, that illustrate the past in a compelling manner.
To receive the following new issues, subscription orders must be processed by the dates below. To start with the current issue after order dates add $2 for postage. Jan/Feb Issue (Nov 26)