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  1. 8 lip 2019 · A While / Wend loop can only be exited prematurely with a GOTO or by exiting from an outer block (Exit sub / function or another exitable loop) Change to a Do loop instead: Do While True. count = count + 1. If count = 10 Then. Exit Do. End If. Loop. Or for looping a set number of times: for count = 1 to 10. msgbox count. next.

  2. 3 lis 2010 · I'm writing some code behind some spreadsheets and I need to loop through some code, like getting data from a database doing some formulas and moving the data to a new sheet. My code for getting th...

  3. Create procedure dbo.ContractProcedure @col as nvarchar(MAX) , @query as nvarchar(max) , @Contract_ID as NVARCHAR(10) As Begin -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from SET NOCOUNT ON; select @col = STUFF((Select ',' +QUOTENAME(ContractProductID) from [dbo].[SWAP_Contracts2020] where ContractProductID not like 'B%' and ...

  4. 14 paź 2016 · I am trying to use this VBA code to pass a SQL stored procedure multiple values from an excel sheet. In order to have the procedure run multiple times and insert multiple sets of information into ...

  5. 15 maj 2024 · In VBA, you can break out of a while loop using the Exit Do statement. This statement allows you to exit the loop prematurely based on a certain condition. Here is an example code snippet demonstrating how to break out of a while loop in VBA: vba. Sub BreakOutOfWhileLoop() Dim i As Integer.

  6. There is no Exit statement for a While Wend loop. If you need to exit one of these loops, simply change it to a Do While or Do Until loop. Don't forget to download the Excel file that accompanies this tutorial and test this macro out.

  7. There is no statement to exit a While loop like Exit For or Exit Do. The condition for the VBA While loop is the same as for the VBA Do While loop. The two loops in the code below perform exactly the same way. ' Sub GetInput() Dim sCommand As String Do While sCommand <> "n".

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