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Looking for materials that your instructor has placed on reserve for class use? Search course reserves through our catalog. Faculty may place materials on reserve at the JFK circulation desk. Call 509.359.7888 with questions. Once you’ve made your request using the form below, you’ll receive an email copy of your request.
23 lip 2024 · Bring your Eagle card and course information with you to checkout materials. A list of reserve materials--including instructor-owned materials and EWU library items--can be retrieved through the EWU Library Catalog by instructor name, course name, or title.
Search articles, books, journals and e-journals, course reserves and more. Not sure where to look? Get help from a friendly librarian.
4 paź 2024 · Course Reserves: Placing Print/Physical Materials on Reserve. Place materials (physical, print, etc.) on course reserve by completing the Instructor Reserve Service Request Form available on our website or complete a paper form.
22 lip 2024 · It is also important to verify that the edition of the textbook in the library catalog matches the one needed for the course. Instructors may put a copy of the textbook on reserve at the library. Search the library catalog by instructor, course, or book using the "Course Reserves" search.
Librarians are ready to help you with your research needs! Does the library have textbooks? How do I know what textbooks I need for my class? How do I ...? What library resources and services are available to people who aren’t current EWU students, staff, and faculty? How do I cite a source like a book, article, or web page? How do I ...?
Library staff maintain a course reserves service containing special items requested by instructors for specific courses. Students can find these materials using our catalog. Faculty may request material reserve services using this online form.