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IMEI to MEID and ESN Converter. Enter any IMEI and it will convert to every format MEID, ENS. This includes psuedo ESNs (pESN), ESNs, and MEID numbers in both decimal and hexadecimal.
Konwerter IMEI na MEID i ESN. Wprowadź dowolny IMEI, a zostanie on przekonwertowany na każdy format MEID, ESN. Obejmuje to pseudo ESN (pESN), ESN i numery MEID w postaci dziesiętnej i szesnastkowej.
24 lip 2017 · Korzystając z naszego kalkulatora poznasz numery MEID i ESN w każdym dostępnym standardzie i formacie. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to wpisać numer IMEI w odpowiednim polu tekstowym i użyć przycisku Sprawdź i konwertuj identyfikatory.
Our platforms allow you to convert IMEI Number to every format of device unique codes such as MEID and ESN. All you have to do is open MEID Converter and everything else will be done automatically. Checked today: 149,634
Now you can check if your device is not blacklisted in AT&T USA. Our IMEI check tool can determine if cell phone is connected with fraudulent activity and is BLOCKED by AT&T USA company. All models are supported like: iPhone, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, LG, Huawei and more.
Enter one or more ESN (Electronic Serial Number), UIMID (R-UIM Identifier), MEID or ICCID codes in decimal or hexadecimal format, with or without the check digit. Note that the ICCID does not have a hexadecimal format and the ESN and UIMID do not have a check digit.
Free IMEI number converter. If you want to know what is your MEID number in decimal (DEC) or hexadecimal (HEX) ? After entering the IMEI number the system will generate MEID HEX, MEID DEC, P(ESN) HEX, P(ESN) DEC numbers. You will also receive information about your phone's model and brand. Converter works with all IMEI numbers and is free.