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Konwerter IMEI na MEID i ESN. Wprowadź dowolny IMEI, a zostanie on przekonwertowany na każdy format MEID, ESN. Obejmuje to pseudo ESN (pESN), ESN i numery MEID w postaci dziesiętnej i szesnastkowej.
IMEI to MEID and ESN Converter. Enter any IMEI and it will convert to every format MEID, ENS. This includes psuedo ESNs (pESN), ESNs, and MEID numbers in both decimal and hexadecimal. After entering the IMEI number the system will generate MEID HEX, MEID DEC, P(ESN) HEX, P(ESN) DEC numbers.
How can I find the MEID number as decimal (DEC) and hexadecimal (HEX)? Convert the IMEI number for free. IMEI, ESN and MEID converter is free of cost and supports all IMEI numbers.
Potrzebujesz szybko ustalić jaki jest numer MEID w postaci dziesiętnej (DEC) lub hexadecymalnej (HEX) ? Po podaniu numeru IMEI skrypt wygeneruje numery MEID HEX, MEID DEC, P (ESN) HEX, P (ESN) DEC. Po wstępnym zweryfikowaniu numeru IMEI zostanie również rozpoznany model oraz marka telefonu.
23 lis 2012 · Contrary to urban myth, you can convert an ESN from hex to decimal or from decimal to hex easily with a standard programmer's calculator that hex and decimal format inputs. It is pretty simple in reality. Here's how: All ESNs in hex are exactly 8 characters with 0-9 & A-F only being valid.
This is just a collection of simple functions to convert cellular serial numbers from one format to another. The function translate_serial will take any format (ESN, HEX ESN, MEID or IMEI) and convert to all other appropriate formats.
Free IMEI number converter. If you want to know what is your MEID number in decimal (DEC) or hexadecimal (HEX) ? After entering the IMEI number the system will generate MEID HEX, MEID DEC, P(ESN) HEX, P(ESN) DEC numbers. You will also receive information about your phone's model and brand. Converter works with all IMEI numbers and is free.