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  1. Find the serial number printed on the underside of your Mac, near the regulatory markings. It’s also on the original packaging, next to the barcode label. You can then enter that serial number on the Check Coverage page to find your model.

  2. Mac & Apple Devices -'s Ultimate Mac Lookup. Lookup Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and other Apple devices by Apple Order Number, Model Number, EMC Number, Model Identifier, and Serial Number as well as Intel processor number to check its specs and other details.

  3.'s Ultimate Mac Lookup - lookup Apple Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad specs by serial number, order number, model number, model ID, EMC number and more.

  4. 24 lis 2024 · Tech specs for all Apple Mac mini from the original to the latest (2005-Current). Dates sold, processor type, memory info, storage details, configuration options and more.

  5. Apple Mac mini i7 3.0 (Late 2014) In order to determine the performance of a computer or a component in it, so-called "benchmarks" are carried out. The benchmark software carries out special calculations and measures the time it takes for the computer to complete the calculations.

  6. Skonfiguruj swojego Maca mini z następującymi opcjami na W konstrukcji Maca mini uwzględniono rozwiązania zmniejszające wpływ na środowisko naturalne 7: W ramach programu Apple Zero Waste żaden z naszych zakładów przeprowadzających montaż końcowy nie wytwarza odpadów wysyłanych na wysypisko. I bezpłatne zwroty.

  7. Find the technical specifications for your Mac mini’s specific model. Find out more about macOS features and how to get the most from your Mac. Get unlimited repairs for accidental damage protection, priority access to Apple experts, and more. Find answers, ask questions and connect with other Apple users.

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