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Wskaźnik zysk na akcje (ang. earnings per share, EPS) – wskaźnik rynkowy określający udział zysku przypadającego na jedną akcję. Jest to jeden z bardziej popularnych wskaźników w analizie fundamentalnej, który jest liczony poprzez podzielenie zysku netto danego okresu przez liczbę wyemitowanych akcji.
Earnings per share (EPS) is the monetary value of earnings per outstanding share of common stock for a company during a defined period of time. It is a key measure of corporate profitability, focussing on the interests of the company's owners (shareholders), [1] and is commonly used to price stocks. [2]
EPS (Earnings per Share) oznacza zysk netto spółki podzielony przez liczbę akcji będących w obiegu. Dzięki temu inwestor posiadający określoną liczbę udziałów wie dokładnie, ile z całego zysku firmy przypada na jedną jego akcję.
20 lis 2024 · Earnings per share (EPS) is the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock, serving as a profitability indicator.
8 cze 2023 · Earnings per share (EPS) tells investors how profitable a company is. It is calculated by dividing the net profit by the outstanding shares of common stock. A high EPS means that investing in the company would be profitable; a low EPS indicates that it would not yield much return.
5 lis 2024 · Earnings per share is one of the most common, and most important, metrics used in fundamental analysis. The importance of EPS comes from its two core building blocks: how much profit a...
20 lut 2023 · What is the Earnings per Share (EPS) ratio used for? The earnings per share (EPS) is a valuable measure of profit allocation across a company. It shows whether profits have been distributed mainly to shareholders, or mostly retained within the business.