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Free Scrum Master I (PSM I) Practice Test with realistic exam questions designed to reflect the latest version of Scrum Guide to help you prepare for the real exam - No BS - No Login required.
1. Understand the definitions and differences between epics, themes, and user stories. 2. Be aware of how and why these are used in Scrum. For questions on making choice, consider the impact on deliverable value and stakeholder satisfaction. 3. Practice identifying and breaking down epics to user stories and grouping stories to themes in given ...
Practice answering exam questions with our free Scrum tests. It’ll help you get a sense of the knowledge you already have—and where you can improve. Choose your free quiz
25 wrz 2023 · Epic w SAFe to duża inicjatywa i przedsięwzięcie, które niesie ze sobą jakąś wartość, propozycję biznesową, określone MVP, budżet i wiele innych rzeczy. Jest elementem Portfolio i jest zarządzany przez dedykowaną grupę osób.
16 sie 2022 · Epics and features are complementary Scrum practices that some Product Owners use to organize their Product Backlog. Like a folder structure, they are a convenient way to group PBIs into meaningful groups. The Product Backlog is commonly summarized as the to-do list for the team.
W frameworku Scrum istnieją trzy podstawowe pojęcia: epic, user story i task. Epic to duże zadanie lub grupa zadań, które są zbyt duże lub niejasne, aby mogły być zrealizowane w jednym sprint.
Learn about epics in agile project management and how they support continuous value delivery. Epics are high-level work management tools that help organize large pieces of work and can be broken down into smaller pieces for the scrum team to work on.