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The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate.
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The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1...
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Standard Responses. Here's a list of fairly standard...
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- Spanish-Speaking Travel Destinations for Every Type of P
Spanish-speaking travel destinations vary from the extreme...
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Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Free Spanish translation from Most accurate translations. Over 1 million words and phrases. Translate English to Spanish to English.
The WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary is a living, growing dictionary. It contains over 96236 terms and 280119 translations in both English and Spanish and continues to grow and improve.
Over 420,000 translations of current Spanish and English; Thousands of useful phrases, idioms and examples; Audio and video pronunciations; Images for hundreds of entries; Example sentences from real language to show how the word is used; Translations in 27 languages
Find Spanish translations in our English-Spanish dictionary and in 1,000,000,000 translations.
Reverso English-Spanish dictionary: English-Spanish translations for millions of words and phrases, idiomatic expressions, slang, specialized vocabulary