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  1. 31 gru 2014 · The key that is used to encrypt the odd regions is unique to that version of a game, it is the so called disk key, D1 or data 1. A typical PS3 game has 3 regions: • Region 0 (unencrypted): Contains the game icon & background image amongst other things • Region 1 (encrypted): Contains the game data • Region 2 (unencrypted): Contains the ...

  2. Redump's Decryption Keys for PS3 Disc Images (.dkey | .key) [IRD Database] Download: ps3netsrv 20240210a • PS3 ISO Decoder R5 - Use: PS3Dec.exe d key 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF " GAME.ISO "

  3. 4 lis 2024 · Get the .key or .dkey file for your game from your own dump, Redump, or aldostools' repository. Transfer the decryption key of your ISO to the same location as the game ISO in dev_hdd0/PS3ISO or dev_usb000/PS3ISO. Make sure the decryption key and ISO files have the same file name.

  4. 8 mar 2024 · If you lack an .ird file or a decryption key for a game and you have a CFW PS3 you can create your own .ird file using the instructions below: Install the full version of Managunz on your PS3. Launch it and insert your game disc into the PS3.

  5. 15 gru 2023 · Developer Evilnat has integrated support for 3k3y ISOs in an upcoming release of his PS3 Custom Firmware, Evilnat 4.90.2. The developer says: For now this is what I have. An option to permanently decrypt 3k3y/Redump ISOs with disc key (if available).

  6. These files contain the keys necessary for encrypting/decrypting/signing files for the PS3. They are compatible with fail0verflow's ps3tools. Copy these files to you ~/.ps3/ directory for them to be used.

  7. Compatibility with PS3 games in ISO/JB folder format; ... Dump Disc Hash Key: Retrieves disc hash key from an ORIGINAL game disc; Rebug Tools. LV1 Peek/Poke Support: Patch unused LV1 syscalls 182 and 183; ... Download: CFW Evilnat 4.91.2 Cobra 8.5 BETA2 [D-PEX] [DEX] [noBD]

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