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  1. L’EM Lyon Business School [a], anciennement appelée École supérieure de commerce de Lyon (ESC Lyon), est une école supérieure de commerce et de gestion française créée en 1872 à Lyon, privée et reconnue par l'État en 1889.

  2. Emlyon Business School is a private business school in Lyon, France, established in 1872, and affiliated with the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A grande école de commerce, Emlyon Business School offers a wide range of academic programs, including the Global BBA, Masters in Management, M.Sc. in Finance, MBA, and Exec.

  3. Emlyon Business School – europejska szkoła biznesowa posiadająca pięć kampusów: w Lyonie, Saint-Étienneie, Casablancaie, Paryżu i Szanghajie). Został założony w 1872 roku. We Francji posiada status grande école. W 2014 roku Emlyon uplasowała się na 14 miejscu pośród wszystkich szkół biznesowych w Europie.

  4. emlyon is a leading international and European business school in France, Europe. A range of programs: BBA, Masters, MBA and executive education.

  5. emlyon business school was founded in 1872 by the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is a private higher-education establishment recognized by the French State. It is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. emlyon is among the 1% of global business schools to be accredited by the three international accreditation systems: AACSB ...

  6. Student experience, institution, press room, sport maker, learning hub, alumni: find out everything you need to know about emlyon business school.

  7. Emlyon Business School is a private business school in Lyon, France, established in 1872, and affiliated with the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A grande école de commerce, Emlyon Business School offers a wide range of academic programs, including the Global BBA, Masters in Management, M.Sc. in Finance, MBA, and Exec.

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