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Use this free broadband speed test to compare your actual download speed to the speed you are currently paying for. For slower connections, see what you can do to try and improve your internet speed .
Want to check how fast your upload and download broadband connection speeds are in Ireland? Use our free and easy to use internet speed test
Broadband speed is measured in Mb/s (megabits per second): Download refers to the speed with which you can receive content from the Internet. This means how quickly you can download a game or a movie. Upload refers to the speed with which you can send content.
Find help and answers to eir FAQs, covering broadband, landline, mobile and more. Browse from Billing, my eir, Moving Premises, Orders and Roaming.
Click View bill PDF to download the full breakdown of the bill ; Viewing older bills; If you wish to view older bills, please follow the steps below: Log into your my eir account; Click View Bill on the dashboard or click my bills in the top right-hand corner; Click the arrow for the drop-down beside the recent month
Eir Internet Speed Test checks how fast is your internet speed. Simply press 'GO' and will test download, upload, ping, and jitter speed.
The download, upload and ping test will be performed to the closest server available near your location. This will mean that test will also be influenced by other factors such as quality of interconnection of Eircom with Internet backbone.