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  1. Emend is an antiemetic, a medicine that prevents nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting. Emend is used in patients aged from 6 months to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy (medicines used to treat cancer).

  2. Welcome to The EU Network Training Centre Portal. This online platform provides an overview of the scientific, regulatory and digital training offers for members of the European Medicines Regulatory Network.

  3. EMA and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) use the European Union Network Training Centre (EU NTC) to share knowledge, enhance professional development and promote the exchange of good practices across the network by offering scientific and regulatory training opportunities to all network staff.

  4. Emend jest lekiem przeciwwymiotnym, zapobiegającym nudnościom (uczucie mdłości) i wymiotom. Lek Emend stosuje się u pacjentów w wieku od 6 miesięcy celu zapobiegania nudnościom i wymiotom wywołanym chemioterapią (lekami stosowanymi w leczeniu raka).

  5. 18 mar 2024 · Access. Visit the EU NTC portal to browse the EU NTC training offers. You can follow the direct links in the portal to access the courses in the EU NTC LMS. New EU NTC LMS users can also find more information about creating an account.

  6. Manage a catalogue of training courses made available through an online common centralised digital platform (Learning management System (LMS); Co-ordinate the network of Training Champions and Local Administrators from across NCAs and the departments of EMA to promote the EU NTC and its training activities.

  7. Europejska Agencja Leków (EMA) 18 grudnia 2013 roku opublikowała zmienioną Charakterystykę Produktu Leczniczego Emend. Poniżej porównanie poprzedniej wersji ChPL Emend z dnia 02.07.2013 względem aktualnej Charakterystyki Produktu Leczniczego Emend z dnia 18.12.2013:

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