Yahoo Poland Wyszukiwanie w Internecie

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  1. As part of the EURES network, job offers from the EU/EFTA countries are made available on the European Job Mobility, including those from Polish employers submitted to district labour offices and the Voluntary Labour Corps.

  2. Oficjalna strona internetowa dla osób poszukujących pracy oraz pracodawców oferujących zatrudnienie.

  3. Official national website on the posting of workers. Benefits you are entitled to as a national of any EU country who moves to Poland. Open positions provided by the Public Employment Service in Poland. Find all the available services for employers.

  4. Chcesz zarejestrować się w urzędzie pracy przez internet i ominąć kolejki? A może jesteś pracodawcą i szukasz pracownika? Skorzystaj z dwóch portali Ministerstwa Rodziny i Polityki Społecznej (MRiPS): i Dowiedz się, co możesz tam znaleźć i co załatwisz przez internet. to portal usługowy.

  5. Labour market in Poland. With a result of 73.6% (2020), Poland is one of the EU-27 Member States that achieved an employment level in the 20–64 age group in line with the targets set by the European Commission for 2020. In 2021, this indicator increased to 75.4%, compared to the EU average of 73.1%.

  6. Find your ideal job or employee in Europe on the EURES portal. An EU wide large-scale enforcement action to inspect compliance with wage rules took place in Austria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia. 21 EU countries in total participated, supported by the European Labour.

  7. Approximately 3.6 million postings involving around 2.6 million workers are estimated in the EU. Remarkably, 1.2 million workers are active in two or more Member States, highlighting the extensive nature of labour mobility in the European Union.

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