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Propel students to on-time completion and post-academic success with higher education's leading academic audit, planning, and degree discovery tools. Transform course catalogues, program requirements, and academic data into detailed audits and manually administered plans.
With Degree Works 5.0.2, Ellucian has introduced the Responsive Dashboard as a new visual metaphor based on “visual cards” to enhance the end-user experience when interfacing with Degree Works.
Degree Works 5.0.4 allows for simultaneous use of the Dashboard and the Responsive Dashboard. The two dashboards stay in sync and both accurately reflect any changes made through administrative applications (i.e., Scribe, Shepentry, etc.) or within the other dashboard (i.e., exceptions, notes, etc.).
Ellucian Degree Works™ is a comprehensive academic advising, transfer articulation, and degree audit solution that helps students and their advisors successfully negotiate your institution’s curriculum requirements.
Ellucian released Degree Works 5.0.2 in June 2019. Multiple upgrade paths are available based on your current version of Degree Works. What’s New? What is the difference between SEP3 and SEP4? New reports and tasks available! Accessible from the Ellucian Customer Center. Contact your Banner Project Leader for access information.
To access Degree Works (Responsive Dashboard): Login to FalconLink. Students- Click on the Degree Works (Student) card; Advisors- Click on the Degree Works (Faculty) card; Please watch Where Can I Find My Degree Audit video for a quick demonstration on how to access the degree audit.
Ellucian Degree Works is an easy-to-use set of online academic planning tools that help students and advisors see what courses and requirements students need to graduate. And it integrates with your student information system and records interactions with students—so you can see what they see.