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DegreeWorks is the University's web-based degree audit tool that facilitates the monitoring of students' academic progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks helps students with catalog year 2009 or after Finish in Four.
Ellucian Degree Works Transfer Equivalency offers an appealing application gateway for transfer students—increasing enrollment potential at your institution; Handy administrative tools easily map courses and process transcripts
Map credit from different institutions to yours, bringing clarity to outstanding completion requirements. Tailor academic plans for each student—and automatically adjust them for any changes, like life events or changes in declarations.
Ellucian Degree Works – a tool for degree audit, advising and planning – is a fundamental component of student success. UMB leverages Degree Works to translate course offerings, program requirements and student academic data into actionable plans for on-time graduation.
DegreeWorks allows both students and advisors to view the student's academic record filtered into the program of study for all majors and minors. Degreeworks provides 24-7 access to: a full description of specific requirements for the student. an easy way to see what requirements are not yet met.
DegreeWorks is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, web-based academic advising /degree audit tool that helps students and their advisors successfully navigate curriculum requirements. It is an Ellucian product that is integrated with anner
The Ellucian Degree Works™ Audit is a tool used internally as a means of communicating degree and certificate requirements for students and for monitoring their progress toward completion. For students, Degree Works: Provides real-time advice and counsel. Provides intuitive web access with self-service capabilities.