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Ekko wins against Yone 55.2% of the time which is 4.24% higher against Yone than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ekko wins against Yone 1.97% more often than would be expected.
Ekko wins against Yone 50.75% of the time which is -0.14% higher against Yone than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Ekko wins against Yone -0.01% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Ekko build & runes against Yone. Skill Priority is measured at level 10.
Based on the analysis of 946 matches in Emerald + in Patch 14.23, Ekko has a 52.9% win rate against Yone in the Mid, which is 1.6% higher than expected win rate of Ekko. This means that Ekko is more likely to win the game against Yone than on average.
Ekko Build with Highest Winrate - LoL Runes, Items, and Skill Order - U.GG
Yone with Blitz's best data for every build. The highest win rate Yone build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Mid. LoL Patch 14.22. Yone stats, builds, and guides against Ekko. Yone vs Ekko counters and stats.
Based on the analysis of 1 062 matches in Emerald + in Patch 14.23, Yone has a 47.7% win rate against Ekko in the Mid, which is 0.4% lower than expected win rate of Yone. This means that Yone is more likely to lose the game against Ekko than on average.
A statistical breakdown of the Ekko vs Yone matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Yone vs Ekko matchup statistics. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends.